Revolutionizing Health Information Management with Blockchain technolgy
Saving billions of dollars and thousands of lives, one block at a time
Health Data Management Platform on Blockchain
BLOCK M.D. is a health information exchange (HIE) platform build over the convenience and security of Distributed Ledger Technology. The use of blockchain technology creates unique opportunity to reduce complexity, enable trustless collaboration, and create secure and immutable information.
Imagine that every electronic medical record (EMR) on every health information system (HIS) sent updates about medications, problems, and allergy lists to a nation-wide trusted ledger, so additions and subtractions to the medical record were well understood and auditable across organizations. Instead of just displaying data from a single database, the EHR could display data from every database referenced in the ledger. The end result would be perfectly reconciled community-wide information about you, with guaranteed integrity from the point of data generation to the point of use, without manual human intervention.
Key Features
Nationwide Health Information Exchange (HIE) Platform
Support multiple international and Thailand data standard
PHR app on android and iOS
Support HosXP
Support Thailand's NDID authentication
Support up to IAL 2.3 & AAL 2.2 (3-factor authentication)
Highest data integrity using Blockchain & Smart Contract
Fully comply with GDPR and Thailand’s PDPA

Data Standard Support
ICD-9, ICD-10, ICD-11
Thailand's 43 files and 7 files for referral

Use Cases
Nationwide Health Information Exchange (HIE)
eRefer & eClaim
Patient Portal
Personal Health Records (PHR)
Primary Care
Health Literacy & Awareness Promoting Platform

Contact Us
SmartContract (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
30th floor, G Tower, 9 Rama 9 road,Huaykwang, Bangkok THAILAND
Email: hello@smartcontractthailand.com
Tel: +66-92-996-9546